Monday, February 22, 2010

Owen Becomes an American

Before coming home to America. Every adoptive family must come to the American Consulate in Guangzhou to pick up their child's Visa which is stamped into their Chinese passport. Since cameras are not allowed in the consulate, we have no pictures of this happy event. Upon clearing the security checkpoint, you are shuttled into a large room with about 50 or so other families. Everyone sits in chairs arranged in rows facing the service windows. when your name is called you go to the window and receive your child's visa, and VERY IMPORTANT immigration paperwork in a sealed brown envelope which can't be opened before you present it at immigration upon arriving in the US. We were told that if the envelope was opened before being presented to the immigration officer in the US, we would have to immediately return to China and have all the paperwork redone before we could return. This is a scary thought. After all the families receive their paperwork, everyone stands up, raises their right hands, and swears to uphold the constitution of the United States. It's a wonderful feeling to be a part of a swearing in ceremony, and can make even far-left liberal like myself feel very patriotic.

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